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Neurotic,and Eating Disordered but don't hold that against me, I'm just trying to make it through the day.
Tomorrow is my first day back at work. It's only for four hours but after almost one complete year of rest and self isolation, I'm ...
1 comment:
Noooooooooooooo last video :'(
"We have normality. I repeat: we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem"
(I still hear that in the original voice actor's voice!)
Light family gossip :3 Not stunning, but not shitty either.
I don't like your husband either. I want to find you a decent bloke, someone who won't throw a queen away for a roll with a strumpet. He's a wanker.
Step 1: Job. All else will fall in after. Don't give up, something will come.(I couldn't strip here either. So many high school mates are already working in the brothels :/)
This is seriously dodgy. Where the FUCK is it going?? o.O
They don't give you the seriously addictive shit right off the bat. They give you the least physically addictive crutches to start. They only pull out the nasty shit when there is no other recourse.
Muscle looks thinner than fat. You would have gained muscle weight but lost physical mass.
Good plan. Good fucking plan. Everyone's triggers are different. Avoid the ones you can.
Miles still hasn't tried to do any research at all about whats wrong with my head. None. He says he's been depressed in the past and bases his perception entirely on that. He doesn't understand just how bad it is. At last count I had 5 suicide plans, not counting the one I was carrying out at the time, FFS!! I just don't understand how people can be so utterly incurious.
He cheated on you. You have no obligation whatsoever to be his PR rep.
It's not a magic bullet. Why don't people get that?
I'd rather honesty than fucking sugar-coating. Sugar-coating can hide poison quite easily.
I'll knit a new henchman :3 Gladly. . . Muahahahahaaaaaaa!!
For mine is a EVIL laugh!
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